It’s a collaborative effort.
E&I’s processes are built on the knowledge that the work between the researcher and the IRB is a shared process.
The research participant trusts the Investigator to prioritize their rights and welfare while taking part in any research project. Accomplishing this task involves more than just the Investigator and their staff.
A successful Human Research Protection Program includes cooperation between the sponsor, the investigator, the site’s staff, and the IRB. E&I understands that difficult, frustrating or inconsistent communication may cause the entire program of protection to fail. For this reason, we are committed to working as a partner with the Investigator and their staff to establish a successful relationship based on effective communication, essential not only to educate researchers on regulatory requirements, but also to ensure that the E&I staff understands the practical issues which occur at the research site.
This section is designed to assist you the investigator, and your research site with the submission process, reporting obligations, continuing review, and to ensure easy, open communication with E&I.
If you have additional questions not covered in this section, or prefer more personalized instruction, please contact the E&I administrative office for assistance. We are ready to help.